Check the number of vehicle owners & the duration of ownership.
Verify your vehicle’s specs and maintenance history for a comprehensive understanding. Examine features for alignment with expectations, and check maintenance records to assess overall care and reliability. This knowledge empowers informed decision-making.
Check the number of vehicle owners & the duration of ownership.
Loan & Lien verification to ensure there is no debt on the vehicle.
Accident & Repair record for to ensure vehicle reliability.
Verify company recalls & service history to assess safety & security.
Team member
Service Complete
Winning award
Client Review
I recently used the online car inspection service on Car History Plus, and it was a game-changer! The process was easy, and the inspector was thorough in explaining every detail. I felt confident making my purchase after receiving the comprehensive report. Highly recommend!
The car inspection on Car History Plus was professional and incredibly detailed. The expert helped me check the car’s condition, and the report was delivered quickly with all the information I needed. It saved me time and money!
I needed a quick inspection for my car before selling it. The online service through Car History Plus was so convenient, and I received the report within hours. It helped me set the right price for my vehicle. I’ll definitely use this service again!
Car History Plus specializes in providing both commercial and public customers with vehicle history information by VIN number.
All Car History Plus reports provide a complete overview of a vehicle’s past and current condition, including the following data:
Car History Plus obtains information from salvage auctions, economic reports, government agencies, and other proprietary sources to provide a comprehensive and accurate VIN check report.
A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-character unique code assigned by an auto manufacturer, which can be used to track and identify motor vehicles.
Our pricing depends on which package you select. All vehicle packages are listed on our Services page.
Car History Plus takes pride in standing behind the accuracy and reliability of the data it provides. However, in the event of any internal error in the system or technical issues on the website that result in problems such as empty reports, double charges, or data discrepancies with the initial database, we offer full refunds. This demonstrates our commitment to customer satisfaction and service transparency. To request a full refund, customers need to send an email to inf0@Car History By offering full refunds, Inspect And Reports aims to provide a transparent and reliable service to its customers while ensuring their satisfaction and peace of mind.