Terms Tconditions

Non-Reversible Transaction Policy

By purchasing any service or product from our website, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms regarding non-reversible transactions:

1. Finality of Purchase:

All transactions made through our website are final. Once a purchase is completed and payment is processed, it can only be reverse, cancel or refund if it falls under the Valid Refund category

2. Confirmation of Understanding:

By proceeding with the purchase, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to our non-reversible transaction policy. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information provided during the transaction is accurate and that you are satisfied with your selection.

3. Dispute Resolution:

In the event of a dispute regarding a transaction, our company will review the situation to determine if any corrective action is necessary. However, this does not guarantee a refund or reversal of the transaction

4. Legal Compliance:

This policy is in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing e-commerce transactions. Any attempt to reverse a transaction through external means, such as a credit card chargeback, may be contested by our company, and we reserve the right to take legal action if necessary.

Valid Refund Reasons

You received an empty report

You can’t open your report or receive an error message

You were charged twice for the same report

Invalid Refund Reasons

Inaccuracies in a report

Incomplete report

Thank you for choosing Car History Plus. We look forward to serving your vehicle history needs with the utmost dedication and reliability.

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